Military Veterans in Journalism is opening a contest to recognize the top 10 veterans doing amazing work in the news media. We wish to highlight the achievements of veterans in journalism and support them by recognizing their expertise and contribution to the community. Awardees will be honored at MVJ2022, our first in-person convention.
If you would like to nominate someone, please read the following submission instructions.
We welcome any submissions, including self-nominations. Please provide a brief description of why the nominee should be recognized along with your submission. We’d like to know about both the person themselves and their amazing work!
You DO NOT have to be a member of MVJ to submit a piece of work, nor does the nominee; we do encourage you to join, however. Nomination submissions will close on August 15, 2022 at 9:00 PM Eastern.
Eligibility and requirements
Submissions must be in the form of finished and published work. All submissions should include the original publishing or release date, all contributors, and the organization under which it was published.
- Only work done by a veteran of the armed forces is eligible. While pieces developed by a team are acceptable, journalists involved will only be eligible if they are veterans.
- All submissions should be work that was completed and made publicly available within the past eighteen (18) months.
- All forms of media are acceptable. Alternate or emerging forms of journalism such as Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Interactive Data Visualization and others will be considered.
The submissions will be scored on originality, newsworthiness, journalistic quality and diversity. Our panel of judges will apply their experience, editing standards, and personal background to decide how well a piece does in each category. Judges will be looking for accurate and insightful storytelling that engages them as the audience. All pieces, regardless of media type, will be seen by the same panel of judges and scored in the same manner.
While every submission will be scored and selections for the list will be made, scores will not be released publicly. Outside of scoring, judges will be able to supply commentary if they wish, but not every piece will receive feedback.
Recognize fellow veterans in journalism and the value of their work!