This resource is provided by American Corporate Partners, which aims to ease the transition from the military to the civilian workforce. ACP is a national nonprofit organization focused on helping returning veterans and active duty spouses find their next careers through one-on-one mentoring, networking and online career advice.
Elevator Pitch Checklist
Can your Protégé describe his/her skills and professional aspirations within the time span of one elevator ride? In today’s competitive job market, it is essential to develop an “elevator pitch,” or a concise, verbal summary of what one does and what one wants to do.
Help your Protégé market himself/herself to prospective employers by evaluating his/her pitch based on the following checklist:
- Content: Did your Protégé’s elevator pitch include:
- Your Protégé’s name, origin, current position;
- Something unique about your Protégé;
- Your Protégé’s aspirations; and
- A clear request at the end?
- Did your Protégé’s speech flow logically from point to point?
- Did your Protégé seem sincere, confident, and passionate in his/her delivery
- while maintaining a conversational tone?
- Did your Protégé maintain eye contact and good posture throughout the pitch?
- Did your Protégé’s elevator pitch last 2 minutes or less?
- Was your Protégé’s elevator pitch memorable?
Which three elements were most successfully represented in the elevator pitch?
Which three elements could use more practice?
Provide any additional comments/observations for your Protégé to think about as he/she further develops an elevator pitch.