This resource is provided by American Corporate Partners, which aims to ease the transition from the military to the civilian workforce. ACP is a national nonprofit organization focused on helping returning veterans and active duty spouses find their next careers through one-on-one mentoring, networking and online career advice.
How Videoconferencing Can Make a Difference in Your Mentorship
Videoconferencing can help a new mentorship get started on the right foot or enhance an already strong relationship. When working with a Mentor or Protégé who lives a great distance from yourself, videoconferencing can make it easier to build a connection. It can also be a valuable learning opportunity! It is a commonly used method of communication in many professional environments.
Videoconferencing Do’s and Don’ts
- Do find a clean, quiet place to talk.
- Do dress professionally.
- Do consider your spacing on the screen. Your Mentor or Protégé should see your head and shoulders, not just your face or the entire room behind you.
- Do maintain eye contact.
- Do be aware of any online profiles you have set up. If they can be viewed publically, make sure that you are portrayed in a professional manner.
- Do treat your videoconference with the same focus and professionalism that you would if you were meeting in-person. Bring a pen and paper to make notes and have any material you may need for the meeting (résumé, cover letter, etc.) in front of you.
- Don’t send unexpected chat requests. Always schedule a videoconference in advance and agree upon a start and end time to keep the conversation on track.
- Don’t eat food or chew gum during your videoconference.
- Don’t “introduce” your Mentor or Protégé to other people via videoconference unless you have discussed this first.
- Don’t multitask, check social media sites or surf the web.
What should we talk about during a Videoconference?
- Treat it like an in-person meeting. Talk about the same things that you might talk about during any meeting: career goals, professional and educational experiences, jobsearching, skills related to résumé-building, networking, and interviewing.
- Try a mock interview. Videoconferencing is a great medium for mock interviews! A
- Mentor may be able to offer more meaningful advice if he or she can see how the Protégé is moving, behaving, and responding to the interviewer’s questions. Skilled verbal and physical communication are equally important during interviews.
- Provide Feedback. Mentors can provide Protégés with feedback regarding professional attire, public speaking and presentations.
- Review your résumé in real time. Email your Mentor a copy of your résumé and then discuss it live.
- Visit our resource center. Go online and visit ACP’s Resource Center together for conversation starters and suggested activities.
Videoconferencing Options and Instructions
Google Hangouts: This is a great tool to use in your mentorship as it will allow you to video chat, view documents together, and network. Be sure to add ACP to your Google+ circles once you have an account!
Start by creating an account at You can log in with an existing Gmail account. Google provides help and instruction along the way explaining features and options. Once you have logged in or created an account you can follow the following steps to start a hangout:
- On the main page of Google Hangouts, click the “Video Call Option”
- On the next screen, if the a Hangout has already been scheduled, you can enter the name to start the call.
- To create a new call create a new name and invite attendees by clicking “Invite People”
- Once you have started the video call, you can share a view of your desktop and collaborate on document by clicking the buttons on the left hand side of the screen.
- Use the chat feature to share files with everyone on the call.
Skype: Skype is another valuable resource to use in your mentorship as it allows you and your Mentor/Protégé to videochat and network. Skype utilizes unique features such as voicemail, landline and mobile calling ensuring seamless communication between Mentors and Protégés.
Start by visiting and create an account, or sign in by using your existing Microsoft or Facebook account. Skype also provides assistance along the way detailing individual features and options.
- First download and install the Skype application.
- After Skype is successfully downloaded, refresh your browser.
- Login to your Skype account.
- Once signed in, you can contact your Mentor/Protégé through either your Skype Contacts or dialing directly through the Dial Pad.
FaceTime (Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch): Apple users can utilize the FaceTime application offered on the new iOS 7 software, making it easier than ever to stay in touch with your Mentor/Protégé. The FaceTime application allows users to make video calls from their iPhone, Mac, iPad or iPod Touch.
Start by visiting and download the iTunes application to the device(s) you will be using. Once the iTunes application is downloaded, create your Apple ID. Your Apple ID will be used to connect you with FaceTime.
- Go to settings on your device and tap FaceTime. Turn on FaceTime and tap “Use your Apple ID for FaceTime.”
- Enter your Apple ID and password.
- Tap Sign In. (Your phone number and all email addresses associated with your Apple ID will be
- displayed.) Tap Next.
- Finally, choose the email addresses and phone numbers you want people to see in order to contact you for FaceTime calls.
All information on downloading, including the Facetime tutorial, can be found at: