We’re proud to announce that Military Veterans in Journalism has partnered with the Washington Post to help get more vets into America’s newsrooms.
As part of its 2021 Summer Internship program, the Washington Post will select one military veteran through MVJ to participate in its paid internship program.
The Post selects interns to fill various roles for reporters, visual journalists, multiplatform editors, multiplatform producers, news and digital designers, graphics reporters and developers, audience producers, and audio producers. (For summer 2020, the salary was $750 per week.)
This will be an important early career step for veterans working to advance within the media field. Each applicant must have had at least one professional news media job or internship.
Washington Post interns have become Pulitzer award winners and executive producers and editors. Working alongside top professionals in the field, interns do meaningful work across a variety of departments at Washington Post.
Applications for internships may apply online with Military Veterans in Journalism. The deadline to apply is September 30, 2020 at 6pm Eastern.
APPLY NOW and then email the required supplementary documents to [email protected] .